
Announcements & Registration

AFRANA events are announced here and in our calendar.  As they expire, these posts are archived to our events log.  Events that require sign-up or registration and payment include a link to the appropriate online form.

Current & Upcoming Events

Stay tuned ...

Fort Hoskins Interpretive Celebration Day

Saturday May 20, 2023, 10am-2pm at Fort Hoskins

38150 Fort Hoskins Road, Philomath OR 97370

Tour the park by yourself or join members of the Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas as they give you a tour inside the Commander's House and explain the history and importance of Fort Hoskins. There will also be live music by Wild Hog in the Woods.

This event is part of Benton County Historic Preservation Month.

See more photos of Fort Hoskins and beautiful Fort Hoskins Historic Park at the AFRANA gallery page.

May 8 – 11, 2023, 4 – 6 pm at Jackson-Frazier Wetland

3600 NE Lancaster St, Corvallis, OR 97330

Drop in anytime for a walk by yourself or a guided tour by skilled volunteers and county parks staff to learn about the recent wetland restoration, massive bird migration, and the new boardwalk plans! This event will support the replacement of the 35 year old Jackson-Frazier Boardwalk and lead to diverse community access for the next 75 years!

See more photos of the Jackson-Frazier Wetland at  the AFRANA gallery page.

Wandering the Wetland



Join us at Jackson-Frazier Wetland for a tour of wetland restoration, to hear about future plans, and to contribute your ideas.

Monroe - Safe Routes to School Ribbon Cutting Event



Celebration and Ribbon Cutting Event for Monroe's New Pedestrian & Bike Pathway connecting Monroe Grade School to Orchard Street.  Read the Mayor's remarks and view the photos.

The Impact of Marys Peak on Corvallis Weather and Climate



Dr. Siler has been researching the changing weather patterns and climate of the Oregon Coastal Mountains and Marys Peak. He will present what that information means to the residents of Corvallis. Co-sponsor by the OSU College of Earth, Oceans and Atmospheric Sciences.

ARTscend Marys Peak Writers Shout Out



Up to 20 writers that toured Marys Peak to the summit, to the waterfalls and to the geological outcroppings representing the formation of the mountain will present their short written works inspired by the tour.

The Trees, Truffles & Beasts of Marys Peak



Learn what makes the special trees, truffles and beasts of Marys Peak so special.

Admission to the presentation and to the Old World Deli is free.  First to arrive, first seated.  No tickets, no reservations, no bureaucracy.  Food and drink are available (for charge) from the Deli.

Living History Day at Fort Hoskins



Native history & artifacts 

Military history- Reenactors on the Parade Ground: Canon will be fired every hour

Commander's House Open 

Park exploration

Natural Area guided hike

Free Digital Walking tour available:

Marys Peak Annual Conifer Pull



Please join Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas, Institute for Applied Ecology, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians and the Siuslaw National Forest on May 18th at the Marys Peak summit for our annual conifer sapling pull. We will be removing conifer saplings and weeds from the Marys Peak summit prairie and surrounding meadows. 

This is a great opportunity to see one of Oregon’s most spectacular sites, meet new friends and help preserve a truly unique ecosystem. Mid-elevation prairies are continually threatened by conifer encroachment and invasive non-native species. Removing these species is critical for the preservation and maintenance of this special place.

This is a rain or shine event, so dress accordingly. 

Please remember to wear appropriate clothes (multiple layers, rain gear, etc.) and shoes (boots, rain boots, etc.). Marys Peak weather conditions may be considerably different then Corvallis weather conditions, so plan accordingly. Bring plenty of water and snacks.

No special skills are required for this work. Event hosts will help identify plants that are going to be removed. Hand tools and gloves will be provided (but you may want to bring your own gloves to ensure you have some that fit). We will be walking to the summit and through the meadows, so there will be some incline and potentially rough terrain.

Please RSVP to Andrew Esterson at by May 17th.  

It is important to RSVP so we can bring sufficient tools for the day. 


Project Site: Follow HWY 34 west from Philomath for 10 miles, then turn north (right) onto Marys Peak Road. Continue up Marys Peak Road for 9 miles. Park at the Summit Parking area at the end of the road.

North Albany Natural Area Weed Pull



North Albany Natural Area needs some tender, loving care. Get rid of ivy and other weeds, and strengthen the "natural" in Natural Area. 

Bring your friends, your family, your group, and meet at the North Albany County Park

Earth Day, April 20, 2019, 10:00-12:00. Wear weather-appropriate clothing and foot gear. If you have your own work gloves, bring them (better fit) but if not, we can supply them.  Bring a lunch to enjoy in the park afterwards.


Corner of Crocker Lane and Valley View Road.   Directions Here




Walk back in time with Greenbelt Land Trust as we explore the history of Fitton Green Natural Area.  Explore the cultural history of his landscape, the formation of this property into a natural area, and the current management and vision for the site.  Hear from Greenbelt Land Trust staff, Al Kitzman (retired) from Benton County Natural Areas and Parks, and resident historian Phil Hays from Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas.  Learn about the fascinating history of this iconic property, which was the first landscape to be protected by what is now Greenbelt Land Trust! Co-sponsors for this event: Greenbelt Land Trust, AFRANA, Benton County Natural Areas and Parks

We’ll be taking the Allen Throop Loop Trail. An easily accessible trail with panoramic views that is just under 1 mile.  

Please Register with Greenbelt Land Trust: Fitton-Green-outing-30-years-series 

AFRANA is the recipient of the March 2019 People's Pint at Block 15!

Order the designated brew at either location and support AFRANA!


Marys Peak Annual Conifer Pull



Please join the Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE), Alliance for Recreation and Natural Areas (AFRANA), Marys Peak Alliance (MPA) and the U.S. Forest Service (FS) on October 20h at the Marys Peak summit for our annual conifer sapling pull. 

In addition, we are excited to have Ken McCall from the Marys Peak Alliance give a brief presentation on the history of Marys Peak.  This is a great opportunity to see one of Oregon’s most spectacular sites.

Please remember to wear appropriate clothes (multiple layers, rain gear, etc.) and shoes (boots, rain boots, etc.). Marys Peak weather conditions may be considerably different then Corvallis weather conditions, so plan accordingly. Bring plenty of water and snacks.

No special skills are required for this work. IAE, AFRANA, MPA and FS staff will help identify plants that are going to be removed. IAE will provide hand tools and gloves (but you may want to bring your own gloves to ensure you have some that fit). We will be walking to the summit and through the meadows, so there will be some incline and potentially rough terrain.

Please RSVP to Andrew Esterson: by October 19th.   It is important to RSVP so we can bring sufficient tools 


You are welcome to meet at the project site at 10:00 or meet at the IAE office (563 SW Jefferson Ave.) at 8:50 to carpool to the site. 

If carpooling, please let Andrew know ahead of time. 

Project Site: Follow HWY 34 west from Philomath for 10 miles, then turn north (right) onto Marys Peak Road. Continue up Marys Peak Road for 9 miles. Park at the Summit Parking area at the end of the road.

Experience Fort Hoskins



Reenactors on the Parade Ground: Canon will be fired on the hour and 1/2 hour 

Frantz-Dunn House Open 

Commander's House Open :  Presentations throughout the day by Dr. Brauner and Dr. Bryant. 

Free Digital Walking tour available:

Marys Peak Weed Pull



Let's Pull Together to remove weeds from the places we love!

Bring your friends, your family, your group, and meet at the Marys Peak summit parking area at the end of Marys Peak Road.

Marys Peak is the tallest point in the Coast Range. From the top (at 4,000 feet elevation), you can see the pinnacles of the Cascades, the beautiful Willamette Valley, and even the ocean.

The Siuslaw National Forest preserves the summit for scenic and the native plant communities.

Please bring a bag lunch to eat at the summit. We will spread out in the beautiful meadows to pull invading tree seedlings. Help protect the beautiful natural meadow community and the gorgeous views.


Follow HWY 34 west from Philomath for 10 miles, then turn north (right) onto Marys Peak Road. Continue up Marys Peak Road for 9 miles. Park at the Summit Parking area at the end of the road.

Marys Peak Hike



This interpretive guided hike is from the Marys Peak Campground through Meadow Edge Trail and Summit Trail to the top and back down the other loop of Meadow Edge Trail. This is one of the most ecologically-rich trails near the summit. Register with Mike Neeley-Brown – – We will carpool from Corvallis.

MPA Celebration #20



The Charismatic Fauna of Marys Peak, by Deanna Williams, U.S. Forest Service

4th Annual MPA Interpreter Training



This two-day workshop brings together volunteers from the Marys Peak Alliance and other organizations to learn how to use interpretive methods to convey the region’s ecology, geology, and human history to various audiences. By the end of the workshop groups will develop and present interpretive programs that provide opportunities for audiences to connect to the scientific and societal importance of Marys Peak and the surrounding region.

MPA Celebration #19



Entomologist Loren Russell will present “The Oregon Funnybug and 5000 other arthropod species that live on the biological island we call Marys Peak.”  


MPA Celebration #18



Bennett Hall and Anibal Ortiz, journalists from the Corvallis Gazette-Times will present “Covering the Eclipse: Local Journalists Report their Marys Peak Experience.” 

Jen Davis and Vicki Kulak of Cheldelin & Linus Pauling Schools will present “Students to the Peak” which will cover their teacher experience with our student field trips over the past 4 years. In addition, Phil Hays and Bob Lillie will talk about their behind the scenes work on the field trips. 

Marys Peak Invasive Pull



We will be removing conifer saplings and oxeye daisy from the Marys Peak summit prairie. This is a great opportunity to see one of Oregon’s most spectacular sites. Mid-elevation prairies are continually threatened by conifer encroachment and invasive non-native species. Removing these species is critical for the preservation and maintenance of this unique ecosystem.

What to Bring 

Please remember to wear appropriate clothes (multiple layers, rain gear, etc.) and shoes (boots, rain boots, etc.). Marys Peak weather conditions may be considerably different then Corvallis weather conditions, so plan accordingly.  Bring plenty of water and snacks.

No special skills are required for this work. IAE and MPA staff will help identify plants that are going to be removed. IAE will provide hand tools and gloves (but you may want to bring your own gloves to ensure you have some that fit). The terrain is relatively flat, but we will be walking through a prairie so there may be uneven or rocky terrain. 


Follow HWY 34 west from Philomath for 10 miles, then turn north (right) onto Marys Peak Road. Continue up Marys Peak Road for 9 miles. Park at the Summit Parking area at the end of the road.

Open House at Fort Hoskins


Commemorate the 160th anniversary of the Fort and the 5 year anniversary of the return of the Commanders House.  Explore the Native, Natural and Military History of the Fort and see the restoration work to date.  


Free Digital Walking tour available:

MPA Celebration #17


Photo-documenting Marys Peak by Barry Wulff

Barry has begun photo-documenting Marys Peak from specific, recorded locations and angles that can be replicated in future years. He is logging the date and special conditions or observations. Some of these photos and other documents will be shown, as well as similar photos taken by others in the past. The audience will be asked to recommend Marys Peak sites for photo-documenting and to comment on other observations that should be included in the record. The photos will be posted on a website and donated to either the Benton County Museum and/or the OSU Special Collections & Archives.

The Wildflowers of Marys Peak  by Dr. Steve Carpenter

Steve will present the release of his new and revised 2nd edition of this popular book and expand on the discussion of the diversity of flowers in this special plant community. Copies will be offered for sale.

From Pre-Contact to Termination: A Brief History of the Siletz Indians


Joseph Scott, Siletz Educator, Confederated Tribes of the Siletz will give a  tribal view of history and display artifacts (see poster).  

AFRANA Annual Disc-Golf Event

Pay (after you register) at


Disc golf instruction & play, snacks, prizes, and lots of fun.  Bring your friends and family.  Click the image below, for a glance at last year's event.

Eclipse Day on Marys Peak



Viewing of the 8/21/2017 total solar eclipse from Marys Peak, at 4101 feet, the highest point in the Oregon Coast Range.  Parking and shuttle bus transportation from Benton County Fairgrounds, see website for further detail.